What Foods to Eat When You Have Diarrhea?

Anti-diarrhea foods

Assuming you understand what foods to eat when you have diarrhea, you can reverse this condition. Anyone can get loose bowels. It is a troublesome condition, portrayed by free, watery defecation.

Diarrhea is regularly the consequence of a transient stomach infection. Nonetheless, it can likewise demonstrate a more extreme sickness. It might be difficult to eat when you have diarrhea.

Following instructions for food choices is fundamental. Learning what foods to eat when you have diarrhea can influence how rapidly you recover.

How to Stop Diarrhea Quickly?

The BRAT diet has been a standard solution for treating loose bowels for a long time. This acronym represents:


One significant electrolyte lost during diarrhea is potassium. Bananas are plentiful in potassium. They provide natural sugars that are quickly processed and assimilated. Knowing what foods to eat is crucial, and bananas are a key part of it.


Boiled white rice can assist with retaining an abundance of liquid and harden the stool. This is especially significant as one considers what foods to eat when you have diarrhea.


Cooked applesauce is an additional alternative. It is readily absorbed. Pectin is a soluble fiber present in applesauce. It helps with stool consistency. Apples are among the essential foods to include when managing diarrhea.

Toast (Refined Flour)

Choose refined flour white toast because it is easier on your digestive tract.

Foods Beyond BRAT

The BRAT diet provides a good starting point. It is crucial to know what foods to eat beyond BRAT as you heal progressively. The following foods can also aid in healing and hydration:


Limit your starch intake to simple carbs like:

  • Oatmeal
  • Boiled potatoes
  • Spaghetti

These foods support the restoration of intestinal health and supply vital carbs for energy, which are important when considering what foods to eat when you have diarrhea.

Lean Protein

After your stomach has somewhat settled, start adding lean protein sources, such as:

  • Skinless, steamed fish
  • Skinless, steamed chicken

For healing and restoration, these offer vital nutrients. These proteins are what foods to eat to aid recovery when you have diarrhea.


Plain yogurt with live and dynamic cultures (probiotics) is the better choice. Probiotics are microscopic organisms in your stomach. They can help your stomach vegetation rebalance normally and hurry your recuperating cycle.

Staying Hydrated Is Essential

Ample hydration is crucial in diarrhea because frequent loose bowel movements make you dehydrated. Here are some pointers:


Throughout the day, try to drink clear fluids like water. Successive little sips are desirable over lengthy swallows. Staying hydrated is as crucial as understanding what foods to eat during this time.

Electrolyte Beverages

Two choices are oral rehydration solution (ORS) and electrolyte drinks. This helps rebuild lost minerals (sodium and potassium), which protect the liquid balance.

Extra Tips to Treat Loose Bowel Movements

While introducing meals again, go gradually and notice your body’s response.

  • Please stay away from a specific food if it worsens your side effects.
  • Avoid food varieties that are spicy, fried, and oily.
  • If you have a lactose intolerance, keep away from:
  • Dairy products
  • Sugary drinks
  • Caffeine

When to Visit a Doctor?

Most diarrhea episodes go away in a few days. However, it is imperative to contact a doctor if you suffer any of the following symptoms:

  • Bloody feces
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Persistent diarrhea that lasts more than three days
  • Symptoms of dehydration (weariness, lightheadedness, and reduced urine)

The Bottom Line

Learning what foods to eat when you have diarrhea is crucial to reverse the condition. Stick to these dietary guidelines. Drink ample water. If your side effects decline or proceed, see a medical services supplier for an exact diagnosis and course of therapy.

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